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Top 50 Problems You Can Face Before Publishing an App on Play Store

29 Jul 2024

Top 50 Problems You Can Face Before Publishing an App on Play Store

1. App Rejected Due to Policy Violations

Problem: Your app may be rejected for not complying with Google Play policies.

Solution: Read and follow all Google Play policies carefully. Ensure your app complies with all guidelines.

2. Incomplete Metadata

Problem: Your app may be rejected if the metadata is incomplete.

Solution: Fill in all required fields in the app's Play Console. Provide accurate and detailed information.

3. Inappropriate Content

Problem: Apps with inappropriate content may be rejected.

Solution: Ensure your app does not contain hate speech, violence, or sexual content.

4. Impersonation

Problem: Apps impersonating others can be removed.

Solution: Ensure your app does not mimic or impersonate other apps or brands.

5. Privacy Policy Missing

Problem: Apps without a privacy policy may be rejected.

Solution: Include a clear and accurate privacy policy. Link it in the Play Console.

6. Misleading Claims

Problem: Apps making false claims can be rejected.

Solution: Provide honest and accurate descriptions of your app's features.

7. Violating Intellectual Property Rights

Problem: Using copyrighted content without permission can lead to rejection.

Solution: Use only content you own or have permission to use.

8. Sensitive Data Collection

Problem: Collecting sensitive data without user consent can cause rejection.

Solution: Collect only necessary data. Obtain user consent and be transparent.

9. Missing App Icon

Problem: Your app needs an icon to be published.

Solution: Upload a high-quality app icon in the Play Console.

10. Improper Use of Keywords

Problem: Overusing keywords can lead to rejection.

Solution: Use relevant keywords naturally. Do not stuff keywords.

11. Crashes and Bugs

Problem: Apps with frequent crashes or bugs can be rejected.

Solution: Test your app thoroughly. Fix all crashes and bugs before submission.

12. Poor Performance

Problem: Slow or laggy apps may be rejected.

Solution: Optimize your app for performance. Ensure it runs smoothly.

13. Unsupported Devices

Problem: Apps that do not support required devices can be rejected.

Solution: Ensure your app supports all required devices and versions.

14. Incorrect Target Audience

Problem: Incorrectly setting the target audience can cause issues.

Solution: Set the correct target audience in the Play Console.

15. Missing Screenshots

Problem: Screenshots are required for app submission.

Solution: Upload clear and relevant screenshots of your app.

16. Incomplete App Description

Problem: An incomplete description can lead to rejection.

Solution: Provide a detailed and accurate description of your app.

17. Incorrect Category

Problem: Placing your app in the wrong category can cause rejection.

Solution: Choose the most appropriate category for your app.

18. Low-Quality Graphics

Problem: Poor graphics can affect app approval.

Solution: Use high-quality graphics and images in your app.

19. Violating Ad Policies

Problem: Improper use of ads can lead to rejection.

Solution: Follow Google’s ad policies. Ensure ads are not intrusive.

20. Insufficient Testing

Problem: Not testing your app enough can cause rejection.

Solution: Test your app on various devices and scenarios.

21. Obsolete SDKs

Problem: Using outdated SDKs can cause rejection.

Solution: Use the latest SDKs for development.

22. Non-Functional Features

Problem: Features that do not work can lead to rejection.

Solution: Ensure all features are functional and tested.

23. Missing Contact Information

Problem: Your app needs developer contact information.

Solution: Provide accurate contact information in the Play Console.

24. Incorrect Use of Permissions

Problem: Requesting unnecessary permissions can cause rejection.

Solution: Request only necessary permissions for your app.

25. Incomplete App Content

Problem: Unfinished content can lead to rejection.

Solution: Ensure all content in your app is complete and functional.

26. Using External Payment Methods

Problem: Using external payment methods can cause rejection.

Solution: Use Google Play’s billing system for in-app purchases.

27. Security Issues

Problem: Security vulnerabilities can lead to rejection.

Solution: Ensure your app is secure. Follow best security practices.

28. Unclear User Interface

Problem: A confusing UI can affect approval.

Solution: Design a clear and intuitive user interface.

29. Poor User Experience

Problem: Bad user experience can lead to rejection.

Solution: Focus on providing a good user experience. Gather feedback and improve.

30. Violating Families Policy

Problem: Apps targeting children must follow specific rules.

Solution: Follow the Families Policy if your app is for children.

31. Lack of Updates

Problem: Not updating your app can affect its approval.

Solution: Regularly update your app to fix issues and add features.

32. Misleading Metadata

Problem: Providing false information can lead to rejection.

Solution: Ensure all metadata is accurate and truthful.

33. Unsupported Languages

Problem: Not supporting required languages can cause issues.

Solution: Ensure your app supports all required languages.

34. Restricted Content

Problem: Including restricted content can lead to rejection.

Solution: Avoid content that is restricted by Google Play policies.

35. Duplicate Apps

Problem: Submitting duplicate apps can cause rejection.

Solution: Ensure your app is unique. Do not submit duplicate apps.

36. Unlicensed Gambling

Problem: Offering gambling without a license can cause rejection.

Solution: Obtain necessary licenses for gambling apps.

37. Unauthorized Downloads

Problem: Providing unauthorized downloads can cause rejection.

Solution: Ensure all downloads are authorized and safe.

38. Non-Compliant Ads

Problem: Ads not complying with policies can cause rejection.

Solution: Ensure all ads comply with Google Play’s ad policies.

39. Inadequate Support

Problem: Not providing user support can affect approval.

Solution: Provide adequate support options for users.

40. Using Unapproved SDKs

Problem: Using unapproved SDKs can cause rejection.

Solution: Use only approved SDKs for your app.

41. Poor Localization

Problem: Poor localization can affect approval.

Solution: Ensure proper localization for all supported languages.

42. Violating Developer Distribution Agreement

Problem: Violating the agreement can lead to rejection.

Solution: Read and comply with the Developer Distribution Agreement.

43. Incomplete Privacy Settings

Problem: Incomplete privacy settings can cause rejection.

Solution: Ensure all privacy settings are complete and accurate.

44. Misleading Promotions

Problem: Misleading promotions can lead to rejection.

Solution: Ensure all promotions are truthful and accurate.

45. Lack of Accessibility Features

Problem: Not providing accessibility features can affect approval.

Solution: Include accessibility features to support all users.

46. Non-Functional Links

Problem: Non-functional links can lead to rejection.

Solution: Ensure all links in your app are functional.

47. Poor Onboarding Experience

Problem: A bad onboarding experience can affect approval.

Solution: Provide a clear and engaging onboarding experience.

48. Non-Compliance with Laws

Problem: Not complying with local laws can cause rejection.

Solution: Ensure your app complies with all relevant laws.

49. Inaccurate Content Ratings

Problem: Incorrect content ratings can lead to rejection.

Solution: Provide accurate content ratings for your app.

50. Inadequate Testing Environment

Problem: Not testing in the right environment can cause issues.

Solution: Test your app in the environment it will be used.


Publishing an app on Google Play can be challenging. By understanding these common problems and solutions, you can ensure a smoother process. Follow these guidelines to increase your chances of success.


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